art-of-swords: German Rapier Dated: 16th Century Measurements:...

German Rapier
- Dated: 16th Century
- Measurements: length 110 cm
- Inscription: (on the blade) + JOHANNES +
Source & Copyright: Bolk Antiques
wild-nirvana: l0vely-insanity: ♡ we're all lost ♡ •my...


gaksdesigns: Princess Mononoke


Then I have to hide the bodies, change my appearance, get new...

Then I have to hide the bodies, change my appearance, get new ids, change names, move, and pay off a lot of people it just gets to complicated
Native American student denied diploma after wearing tribal feather in her mortarboard
Native American student denied diploma after wearing tribal feather in her mortarboard:Officials are withholding Chelsey Ramer's diploma and transcripts until she pays a $1,000 fineFined for being educated while indigenous.
Racists take note: We are still being punished for practicing our own cultures. This right here, plus the incident with the kid smudging being sent home. these are two CURRENT examples of the ongoing cultural genocide. THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE is why your cultural appropriation is beyond normal racist bullshit. You are actively contributing to our cultural genocide.

clawedrockdawg: alwayssunny11: to make You smile~~* I can't...

to make You smile~~*
I can't be trusted on a motorcycle. I lack the required self discipline required, but the idea is similar.
the-milk-eyed-mender: thetruthisviral: Hubble has spotted an...

Hubble has spotted an ancient galaxy that shouldn't exist
This galaxy is so large, so fully-formed, astronomers say it shouldn't exist at all. It's called a "grand-design" spiral galaxy, and unlike most galaxies of its kind, this one is old. Like, really, really old. According to a new study conducted by researchers using NASA's Hubble Telescope, it dates back roughly 10.7-billion years — and that makes it the most ancient spiral galaxy we've ever discovered."The vast majority of old galaxies look like train wrecks," said UCLA astrophysicist Alice Shapley in a press release. "Our first thought was, why is this one so different, and so beautiful?"
Read more: here

discoverynews: Boom! Super Seismo-Sonic Earthquakes Are...

Boom! Super Seismo-Sonic Earthquakes Are Real
The inner workings of bizarre and potentially dangerous earthquakes that break the seismic sound barrier have now for the first time been confirmed in laboratory experiments with real rocks, report scientists in today's issue of the journal Science.
"Super Seismo-Sonic" — isn't that a wrestler's name?
adamforrest610: goood boy!

goood boy!



oecologia: Eyjafjallajökull Volcano • Iceland Photos...

Eyjafjallajökull Volcano • Iceland
Photos by: Skarphedinn Thrainsson.
h-owl: howl- fresh perspective. and a howl.

howl- fresh perspective. and a howl.

Hacker who outed Steubenville rapists could get more jail time than Steubenville rapists
Hacker who outed Steubenville rapists could get more jail time than Steubenville rapists:Meet Deric Lostutter, a 26-year-old cybersecurity consultant who also goes by the moniker "KYAnonymous." Lostutter obtained and published tweets and Instagram photos in which members of the Steubenville High School football team joked about an incident in which a 16-year-old girl was raped.
Lostutter's actions inspired a group of people to take justice into their own hands. A hacker called "Bobcat" vandalized the Facebook page of the Steubenville football team. Other hackers took similar action.
It's unclear if Lostutter participated in any hacking shenanigans, but if he's indicted and found guilty of any, he faces 10 years in jail. By comparison, the Steubenville rapists received one- and two-year sentences each.
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