flawhs: i'm a strong believer that not everything you do needs an explanation. if you want a...
i'm a strong believer that not everything you do needs an explanation. if you want a tattoo, get one. if you rather stay home that night, it's okay to miss that party. don't forget that you're living for yourself. you don't owe anyone an explanation for your choices or preferences.
I love that the common ingredients in almost everyone’s summonings of me are Samoyeds, and...
I love that the common ingredients in almost everyone’s summonings of me are Samoyeds, and Tarrlok (or Korrlok.) You guys know me so well. <3
Here is a picture of my dog, the cutest Samoyed of all, as a thank-you to everybody who played!
landog is coming to you to give you licks and cuddles as a thank-you for making her human happy, and giving her entertainment while she finished a job. :)
"Why Society Still Needs Feminism Because to men, a key is a device to open something. For women,..."
"Why Society Still Needs Feminism
Because to men, a key is a device to open something. For women, it's a weapon we hold between our fingers when we're walking alone at night.
Because the biggest insult for a guy is to be called a "pussy," a "little bitch" or a "girl." From here on out, being called a "pussy" is an effing badge of honor.
Because last month, my politics professor asked the class if women should have equal representation in the Supreme Court, and only three out of 42 people raised their hands.
Because rape jokes are still a thing.
Because despite being equally broke college kids, guys are still expected to pay for dates, drinks and flowers.
Because as a legit student group, Campus Fellowship does not allow women to lead anything involving men. Look, I know Eve was dumb about the whole apple and snake thing, but I think we can agree having a vagina does not directly impact your ability to lead a
college organization.
Because it's assumed that if you are nice to a girl, she owes you sex — therefore, if she turns you down, she's a bitch who's put you in the "friend zone." Sorry, bro, women are not machines you put kindness coins into until sex falls out.
Because only 29 percent of American women identify as feminist, and in the words of author Caitlin Moran, "What part of 'liberation for women' is not for you? Is it freedom to vote? The right not to be owned by the man you marry? The campaign for equal pay? Did all that good shit get on your nerves? Or were you just drunk at the time
of the survey?"
Because when people hear the term feminist, they honestly think of women burning bras. Dude, have you ever bought a bra? No one would burn them because they're freaking
Because Rush Limbaugh.
Because we now have a record number of women in the Senate … which is a measly 20 out of 100. Congrats, USA, we've gone up to 78th place for women's political representation, still below China, Rwanda and Iraq.
Because recently I had a discussion with a couple of well-meaning Drake University guys, and they literally could not fathom how catcalling a woman walking down University Avenue is creepy and sexist.
Could. Not. Fathom.
Because on average, the tenured male professors at Drake make more than the tenured female professors.
Because more people on campus complain about chalked statistics regarding sexual assault than complain about the existence of sexual assault. Priorities? Have them.
Because 138 House Republicans voted against the Violence Against Women Act. All 138 felt it shouldn't provide support for Native women, LGBT people or immigrant women. I'm kind of confused by this, because I thought LGBT people and women of color were also human beings.
Weird, right?
Because a girl was roofied last semester at a local campus bar, and I heard someone say they think she should have been more careful. Being drugged is her fault, not the fault of the person who put drugs in her drink?
Because Chris Brown beat Rihanna so badly she was hospitalized, yet he still has fans and bestselling songs and a tattoo of an abused woman on his neck.
Because out of 7 billion people on the planet, more than 1 billion women will be raped or beaten in their lifetimes. Women and girls have their clitorises cut out, acid thrown on them and broken bottles shoved up them as an act of war. Every second of every day. Every corner of the Earth.
Because the other day, another friend of mine told me she was raped, and I can no longer count on both my hands the number of friends who have told me they've been sexually assaulted. Words can't express how scared I am that I'm getting used to this.
Because a brief survey of reality will tell you that we do not live in a world that values all people equally and that sucks in real, very scary ways. Because you know we live in a sexist world when an awesome thing with the name "feminism" has a weird connotation. Because if I have kids someday, I want my son to be able to have emotions and play dress up, and I want my daughter to climb trees and care more about what's in her head than what's on it. Because I don't want her to carry keys between her fingers at night to
protect herself.
Because feminism is for everybody, and this is your official invitation.
"- Caitlin O'Donnell, Drake University. (via on-another-note)
To summon Lantur via pentagram, one should use a coupon for a free Pizza Hut pizza; a large stack of cash; a bowl of fine Indian cuisine; an assortment of shiny purple necklaces; and most importantly, one (1) ripe, full-flavored Tarrlok. For best results, play gentle violin music whilst chanting lines from Strings.
Whoa, okay, I have the strange feeling that the person who sent me this knows me IRL. apatheticfangirl, is it you? grassbutt? You know that I like Pizza Hut pizza, cash, purple necklaces, and the reference to violin music makes me think that you know I used to play the violin in middle school/high school. Hmm.
If the person who sent this ask is not apatheticfangirl or grassbutt - wow, this was uncanny. Congratulations. ;) However, I have to disagree on one point. For best results, you might have to blare Nicki Minaj, but I see how that would clash with a reading from Strings… (Although, mmm, ripe, full-flavored Tarrlok. Excellent.)
A Yellow Lab, a Husky, a Samoyed, a Corgi, and a mutt :)
You picked all of my favorite dogs, OMG. :D I've loved yellow labs, ever since reading Marley & Me. One of the kids at my internship has a service dog that's a yellow lab, and she's so sweet. I also adore Golden Retrievers. They're so friendly, and, well, golden.
Thank you! :)
Perfection!! I kill it in wheelchair sports, man. You summon me, and I'll get into that wheelchair and kick ass at relay races. (And fail horribly at wheelchair tennis, which, incidentally, I did this morning.)
Thank you. <3 *cuddles polar bear-dog plushie*
5 things you would put on a pentagram to summon me
haggady: people were mad at Korra because they were expecting it to be a political drama and it...
people were mad at Korra because they were expecting it to be a political drama and it turned out to be a psychological drama
And a psychological drama of an often really sophomoric sort, at that. If issues like Korra’s feelings of inadequacy compared to Aang, and her thirst to prove herself, to herself and to the world, and some of the darker psychological issues on the show that were hinted at, but never really explored…were explored, this would have been a very fascinating show.
Instead, it split itself into too many directions, trying to do political drama on one level, and shallow psychological drama on the other. The result was something that was more underwhelming and mediocre than it should have been.
disminucion: Sunset With Elephant

alecstasy: alecstasy: my dog just had surgery to get a nipple removed and when she came home...
my dog just had surgery to get a nipple removed and when she came home after the surgery she immediately walked to the window and she has been staring out of the window for like half an hour now thinking about her new life with one less nipple
"Disability is often treated as though it were a deviation from the rule. In fact, it is not an..."
"Disability is often treated as though it were a deviation from the rule. In fact, it is not an anomaly. One out of five persons in the U.S. has an impairment, yet disability is perceived as an "oddity" rather than as a natural occurrence."- Marta Russell, Beyond Ramps:Disability at the End of the Social Contract (via disabledbyculture)
someday, I want to have a popular/viral text post with lots of notes and stuff someday
someday, I want to have a popular/viral text post with lots of notes and stuff
In this mysteriously leaked DVD commentary for Season 4 of...

In this mysteriously leaked DVD commentary for Season 4 of "Game Of Thrones," author George R.R. Martin drops some MASSIVE plot bombshells. You've been warned. [x]
nevver: Things You Need To Know Before Your Next Job Interview


that moment in your life where you find a really great new blog to follow, and you just start...
that moment in your life where you find a really great new blog to follow, and you just start scrolling through it like “a ha ha” as you add its awesome posts to your queue, in hopes that your followers will think that your blog is awesome
wetheurban: ART: Nick Knight's Melting Florals Living legend,...

ART: Nick Knight's Melting Florals
Living legend, photographer Nick Knight has been busy melting floral prints in an innovative and quite amazing new way!
A decade in the making – and definitely worth the wait – he created the artwork by exposing floral prints to various combinations of heat, chemicals, and water, which resulted in amazing manipulations that have left our minds blown. More after the jump:
bunnyfood: (via Imgur)

(via Imgur)

Hello Lantur! :) I love your blog, and it has taught me a lot about feminism, and it made me really think for the first time since I've been on tumblr about what it truly means despite the common misconceptions. I've also been watching this series of videos called Feminist Frequency, and I find them to be very interesting. What do you think about them, if you've ever watched one or more of their videos?
Hi anon! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I'm really glad to hear that reading this blog has provoked some thoughts about feminist issues. You know, a few years ago, I had internalized the negative connotations about feminists that society and the mainstream media kind of subtly feeds us. You know, "feminism" = "radical" "bra-burning" "crazy" "man-hating," etc., etc. Tumblr and some gender and women's studies classes in college really helped change my outlook, and I'm so grateful for that.
I've never watched the Feminist Frequency videos, although I have heard of them. A few people I follow have posted about them before. Are they oriented more toward video games, and feminism or women in video games? I have no knowledge of video games or that whole subculture, so it's a bit of a mystery to me. I will check them out. Thanks for the rec. :)
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